FiAmbRes Project

Application of Phytomanagement techniques for the Environmental restoration of deposits of metalliferous mining residues in semi-arid zones PDC2021-121263-I00

Financed by

Project PDC2021-121383-I00 (From 01/12/2021 to 01/12/2023) financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union Next GenerationEU/ PRTR

R&D group responsible for the project

What does the project consist of?

The general objective is to value and transfer the application of phytomanagement techniques, which include the use of amendments from organic waste, for the restoration of abandoned mine tailings in semi-arid environments.

To set a permanent vegetal cover combining species in sowing and planting

Establish the conditions for the development of fertility islands by introducing facilitating plant species.

Accelerate the process of vegetation establishment by applying biochar and compost to the soil and installing fascines and bird perches

Where do we do it?

In a demonstration pilot area of about 2,500 m2 located in an abandoned mine tailing located in the old mining district of Cartagena-La Unión, within the Calblanque, Peña del Águila and Monte de las Cenizas Regional Park (Murcia, Southeastern Spain).

We have authorization from the owner of the land, D. Francisco Crispín Fuentes Narváez, and from the General Directorate of the Natural Environment of the Autonomous Community of Murcia.

Project news